I’ve written a series of posts on chicken inputs (what to feed chickens; herbs; prebiotics and probiotics; manufactured feed) and here’s one involving outputs. Understanding how your birds’ digestive system works and interpreting their poop is helpful in diagnosing what is going on internally, including cloacitis, inflammation of the cloaca.

Most folks know cloacitis as vent gleet, meaning slimy matter oozing from the vent, one of its more common symptoms.

Let’s start with a little anatomy tour to better understand the functions of that area.

The cloaca (meaning ‘sewer’) is a three chambered structure located just inside the vent (anus) of the chicken and is part of the large intestine and rectum. Each chamber works to keep poop, urine and eggs from contaminating each other.

The vent, located at the end of the rectum, is the last stop for several systems: the digestive, urinary and the reproductive tract. It is the single opening for urine, poop and eggs to leave the body, and for sperm to enter a hen.

The largest part of the cloaca (coprodeum) receives poop and can hold it for relatively long periods of time, which is imperative for broody hens that may only get off the nest once a day.

Eggs and urine enter the urodeum, the smallest part of the cloaca. The last section (proctodeum) is where poop and urine are passed out of the body. Healthy poop looks like a large round mass with a white cap on top (urine). If you want to get a good idea of your flocks’ health study their poop.


Vent gleet can be caused by a number of stressors that alter the pH levels of the cloaca: fungi, protozoa, parasites, yeast, bacteria, contaminated food or water, intestinal or external parasites, bowel infection, hormone-related uterus issues, nutritional deficiency or stress associated with predator attack, injury or moving to a new flock. In short, just about anything that stresses your birds can result in vent gleet.

Whatever the origin, stress can weaken the tone and function of cloaca, allowing poop and urine to mix together, preventing the normal recycling of water back into the bowel. Stress also increases pH levels, making the entire cloaca, rectum and uterus vulnerable to infection. Indicators of increased pH levels within the cloaca are larger, more watery poop and vent gleet.

Vent gleet in roosters is usually associated with stress-related inflammation involving constipation and more likely to occur during summer because of heat stress. If you have birds of both sex showing signs of vent gleet the cause is often a combination of stress and bowel infections.

Transportation and adjusting to a new home create stress that may activate latent infections in otherwise healthy birds and result in vent gleet. Be sure to monitor new birds for signs of stress and illness.

Early symptoms often go unnoticed, which, of course, is the easiest time to treat it:

  • Sudden dull feathers
  • Pasting of vent feathers
  • Soft, bloated abdomen
  • Decreased egg production
  • Lack of vitality and postural changes
  • Normal appetite

Advanced Symptoms

  • Smelly poop/vent
  • Soiled vent feathers and slimy or bloody discharge coming from vent area
  • Straining to poop
  • The entire vent becomes red, swollen, often bloody and distorted in appearance
  • Hard abdomen
  • Decreased appetite


The aim of treatment is to counteract the effect of stress (i.e. acidify the cloaca), stimulate immunity, control secondary infections, identify and eliminate stress factors.

  • Use an over-the-counter antifungal like Micronazole or Clotrimazole (sold under brand names like Monistat or Canesten): apply cream externally to the vent area, an almond-sized amount internally using an applicator and give tablets orally (cut each one into thirds and give one piece per day for six days). If you can’t find tablets you can give a pea-sized amount of cream orally. Once daily for 5 days.
  • Isolate your bird to monitor input and output.
  • Provide lots of fresh water and balanced feed.
  • Give unsweetened, plain Greek yoghurt.
  • Using warm, soapy water, gently clean any poop from their feathers and vent.
  • Apply an iodine-based antiseptic (Betadine) to the vent. Repeat over several days to make sure the area is kept clean.
  • Acidify drinking water by adding apple cider vinegar ( 1 tbsp/gallon of water).
  • Keep patient warm and hydrated.
  • In more severe cases, insert 3 millilitres of warmed citric acid or saline-solution into the vent twice daily and massage to help move poop out of the proctodeum. Repeat for 3-4 days.
  • Seek advice from your veterinarian to diagnose possible underlying infection and if the use of antibiotics is warranted.


Any stressor which increases the pH levels in the cloaca (above 7.4) is the root cause of vent gleet.

  • It’s not contagious, but could be an indicator of underlying health issues affecting the flock.
  • If you have high pH levels in your drinking water add acidifiers like citric acid or apple cider vinegar to their water.
  • Ensure an adequate amount of calcium and protein to support year round laying.
  • Feed a balanced diet.
  • Ensure that your birds don’t get dehydrated or chilled which can lead to constipation.

45 comments on “Vent Gleet

  1. How long does vent gleet take to cure? I received 5-10 week old chickens from a local farmer and realized 1 had vent gleet. Not sure how long she had it prior to arriving. I have added apple cider vinegar to the water, and have given her probiotics, yogurt, and washed her vent daily for the last 2 weeks with no real improvement. She is still eating and drinking well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a candida (yeast) infection. Have you tried Monistat or Canesten?


      • Amanda Heroman

        Hi this is my first time treating vent fleet. How many days do I use the monistat externally and in her vent? And just to make sure I can give her a pea sized amount of the same cream orally?


    • Hi Jill
      I know it’s been a couple years but I’m hoping to see if your chicken finally healed from vent gleet as our one doesn’t seem to be and it’s been several weeks now. But same as your she’s eating and otherwise seemingly healthy. She does have her moments of looking uncomfortable but that’s not often. I’d love to know what further action was took to help your chicken as it sounds like a similar case as our little Darla. Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for your quick response. I’ve tried the canesten cream.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey there,
    With the suppository for gleet, once cut into thirds do I just push the piece down the birds throat?

    Liked by 1 person

    • You can wrap it in peanut butter and feed it to her or pop it in her beak. Be really careful that it goes in the right place. Check out my post on how to safely give oral medications for instructions. Just put ‘oral medications’ in the search box to find it.


  4. A high pH indicates an acidic environment. Why would you want to add ACV, which makes things even more acidic?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you’ve got it mixed up: pH is measured on a scale of 1-14 with 7 being neutral. Low numbers are considered acidic, while higher number are base. Decreasing pH by using apple cider vinegar can sometimes balance a hen’s pH and remedy Vent Gleet.


      • Tom Johnson

        Adding ACV (acetic acid) will lower pH, not increase it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for catching that typo. Throughout the article I mention ACV lowers pH, then in the comments I reversed that advice. I think I meant to say giving increased amounts of ACV, rather than increased pH. You’ve got a good eye.


    • High pH means the environment basic and alkaline: NOT acidic.


  5. Liz Hill

    Goldie has vent geet and we are treating her by daily baths in Epsom Salts, Canestan cream and adding apple vinegar to her water. I’m a little concerned that around part of the vent is a hard crust any ideas about this please. Also concerned that she isn’t really pooping although she has lost her appetite.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Have you given her a bath and tried to soak the crust off? Is it hardened poop or dried skin? Can you give her some high protein food like canned cat food to encourage her to eat?


  6. Hello, which suppositories do you use– 3 day or 7 day? does it matter? Thanks so much 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am embarrassed to say my poor girl has vent gleet real bad. She has the hard crust around her vent almost to being blocked. I have been soaking her and trying to remove it for three days now. I am putting Monostat on her bottom and suppository in mouth. And even a piece in her bottom. It is starting to clear up. But I think it will take a few more days. Does she need antibiotics also? No avian vets around.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are doing the right things. Vent Gleet is a candida yeast infection and doesn’t require antibiotics which are used to treat bacterial infections. Good luck.


  8. My chicken definitely has vent gleet.. I soaked her in a warm epsom salt bath and had to manually dislodge hardened stuff that was blocking her vent. I washed all with Dr. Bronners soap and rinsed then put some iodine around the area and then lotrimin as that was all I could find – a little in and around. Area does not look as bulbous as it had after removing the chunks of blockage and less red for the moment. Still some milky oozing coming out though. I just found a tube of external cream monistat, can I use that to give the pea size orally or NO is that only for using on the outside vent area? Do I need to go buy a new package with the ovules filled with cream? Thanks for the help – hopefully you will see this and answer soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Monistat or Canesten cream can be given orally as well as inserted inside or around the vent. I used a pea sized amount orally and an almond sized amount inserted with an applicator internally.


      • I was just trying to clarify if the “extra” tube cream they give you in the pack which is what i found is alright to give as it states external only and it is supposedly anti itch cream but it still has miconizole in it – did not know if any other ingredients (as not listed) that may not be safe

        Liked by 1 person

      • That is what I used and what folks recommend.


  9. My hen had this going on. Is it common they get softshelled eggs and then stop laying from this as well? No smell but there is is this crust around her vent and the continguing discharge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Decreased egg production is definitely associated with vent gleet. Have you treated her with Monistat or Canesten, given both orally and inserted into her vent?


  10. how far into her vent do you put the cream?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You are so kind to give all this info, thank you so much x

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Rebecca Merritt

    My chicken Goldie has what we believe vent gleet. We have soaked her, did the ACV in water, did clotimatizole cream both in her vent and gave it to her orally. I was unable to remove any of the poo and such from around her vent but I’m concerned with how bulging and red it is. Her neck is also bulging and seems like there’s fluid in it. She won’t eat or drink we have had to syringe feed her water which I didn’t realize until after this that you can get ut into her lungs so I hope I did it the right way. Any other advice? When should she be perking up? She definitely has this in the severe form. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vent gleet and sour crop are both candida yeast infections. Is her crop full at night and empty in the morning? If not, it’s impacted. Check out my article on crop issues for advice and if you need more info use the ‘contact’ button on my homepage to ask questions. Good luck.


  13. Hello, I believe my girl has vent gleet. How often do I need to apply the monistat around and inside her vent? Once a day or more often?
    Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. This is my first time treating vent gleet. How many days do I use the monistat externally and in her vent? And just to make sure I can give her a pea sized amount of the same cream orally?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi, our little Darla has vent gleet. We (mostly mother in law) were cleaning the area daily, giving yogurt, using witch hazel & putting apple cider vinegar in the water, giving fresh garlic cloves & there’s one more thing I just can’t remember. Anyways no real foul smell just an oozy yellowish discharge that’s hard to get off her skin (no feathers there). She is pretty perky, eats but at moments will puff up; seems in major discomfort for about a minute here n there. My mother in law figured she was getting better & waited to do the washing & we ran out of tougher for a couple days & this evening I saw her in the nest area with some blood now with the discharge. What’s the best plan of action going forward?! Thank you I appreciate your response.

    Liked by 1 person

    • If I were treating vent gleet I’d use an over-the-counter yeast infection product both inserted into the vent and given orally twice a day. Is the blood streaky? Lots of it? It’s possible it’s the result of a broken blood vessel. I would stop the witch hazel (it’s an astringent meant to shrink tissues like a prolapsed vent) and start with an anti-fungal product. Some people use tablets, I found the cream to be easier.


  16. Amanda Heroman

    Hi. I’ve been treating my hen for 12 days now. She still has a discharge and is getting what looks like a soft scab around the area I’ve been cleaning. I’m using using a small squirt of dish soap in warm water to clean her with, rinsing, then a spray is betadine before using the monistat.

    How many days am I supposed to use the betadine? I’m wondering if the betadine is being too harsh over so many days.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Amanda Mallory

    I have a question can you give the suppository instead of orally can you give it in their vent? Mine refuses to open her beak so I cut it into 3 and put one in her vent. I know a few people say that’s what they do. She has been like thos for 2 weeks and I just found answers as to what’s wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. AMANDA Mallory

    Okay so cream on the vent suppository in the vent and a little cream orally right? Once a day or twice a day for 6 days right?

    Liked by 1 person

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